Sunday, August 09, 2009

That's it!

I am getting sick of Blogger and it doesn't help if some idiot went to flag my blog as objectional content. Plus, something's wrong with posting as I cannot post images as well!

Have moved on to so please bookmark that site instead of coming back to Blogger! Thanks!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Haven't been updating my blog in a while, not that many ppl await eagerly in front of their coms for my next post or something.

My phone finally could not detect my memory card and luckily Lawrence lent me his spare HTC Touch 3G phone so am slowly getting used to the touch interface. Ha.

Finally watched Transformers at Vivo last Sun. It doesn't deserve the crap review from the papers, but it isn't the best as well. Endings are usual, swift and unconclusive, leaving the audience in a duststorm...

Went to Bather's yesterday with Princess and tucked into a nice dinner of soup and steak. It's at Clementi Arcade at Sunset Way. Pretty inaccessible and I had to grab a cab from Clementi. Another reason to get my licence and a car soon... I chose the venison and she got the ribeye. Hers looks way scrumptious than mine.. The chef / owner gave us complimentary glasses of red wine cos we made a reservation which they might have forgotten about it and hastily set up a table in the crowded restaurant. After that we headed over to the Daily Scoop (beside Bather's)for some ice cream. We had Butterscotch Pecan (sinfully sweet) and Lychee Martini (My sis's favourite and amazingly light in taste) Bought a tub of it later back for my sis.

The ice cream shop was small and many people were eyeing us after we had finished our ice cream, so we set off for Holland V. I thought it would be tough to find a cab there but about 3-4 empty cabs appeared as soon as we started to walk out. Talk about a streak of luck! Went to Starbucks and had a cuppa and we chatted late into the night. It was a pretty good way to spend a Friday evening. Looking forward to the next one where we go find ourselves some good mutton curry! Any suggestions anyone? =)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


My own TV!

It's been a long wait but it's finally here. My 32" Full HD TV in my own room. Got it at the recent PC Show without batting an eyelid.. It looks great when hooked up to my PS3. Played some games and watched a Blu-Ray movie. Simply fantastic~ Playing Assasin's Creed and MGS4 right now...

Restaurant City

Simply addictive, simple yet fun. And it's an excuse to go to Facebook. This is almost the single reason why I haven't been blogging for a while.

Jieyin's bdae

Was invited by Peiling for her bdae celebration. Jieyin's a nice cheerful girl so who wouldn't be there for her celebration. Brought along my trusty D60 for photo taking. Some shots did not turn out nice as I expected... Anyway, a few choice shots below...

My steak and fries

Monster Meatball spaghetti

Ash and JIeyin

Driving lessons
I have to admit I had been procrastinating for a while till GY went to take his Basic Theory test so it was convenient for me to go to SSDC and sign up for lessons as well. Hope to get my licence soon! Won't really get a car anyway...
That's all for now. Back to Resturant City!

Monday, June 01, 2009


For the non-Chinese friends out there, the title means brother. It could refer to your very own blood brother or your very good guy friend.

Speaking of which, I was one of the 兄弟 for my good friend's, YY, wedding, which typically involves accompany the groom very early in the morning to the bride's house and fetch the bride from her parent's place. However, the task isn't as simple as it seems. The bride also has her sisters a.k.a 姐妹 who will think of devious tasks for the groom and his brothers to do before they actually let the groom into the house. Most tasks usually involve eating / drinking something gross, doing embarrassing stuff,etc.

I've usually laughed out loud at wedding dinners of other friends whenever I see the antics that the groom and his brothers had to put up, but nothing in this world can prepare for you this...

If memory serves me well, these were what we were supposed to do...
  1. Upon arrival, the groom has to shout from the carpark "I love you" to the bride in 7 different languages. Us brothers needed to lend a helping hand so that the bride could actually hear this to pass this task.
  2. Then came the apple vinegar for us to drink which tasted very sour! It's part of the 4 tastes, sourness, sweetness, bitterness and spiciness... That kinda prepped us for what was to come later...
  3. After the apple vinegar, we had the sweet part! Bananas in caramel sauce and we had to finish everything on the plate, i.e., to drink up the caramel using straws. I could have sworn that my blood sugar levels spiked up that day.
  4. Finally we could take the lift to the bride's flat. Upon reaching the flat, the groom had to kiss 3 of the bride's photos among many other photos of women on a piece of cardboard. Think that's easy? The groom has to be blindfolded and the cardboard's actually pasted to the ceiling of the corridor outside the flat. In the end, us brothers could not carry him all the way and one of us promptly took the cardboard down for him to kiss, much to the chagrin of the sisters. ;)
  5. Next was the bitterness part. Blended bittergourd, which most of us felt it was quite good, much to the surprise of the sisters, who gave us more upon our request. Hah~
  6. Then came the semmingly-impossible part. To lick a giant icecube that has the key of the house frozen in it.. Luckily we brought along a bottle of mineral water! Which helped to melt the ice slightly faster to get to the key.. but the key was a fake one!
  7. Then the spiciness part. Pure fresh chilli paid! I helped the groom to eat most of the chilli which left me with a bad tummy and a numb tongue. Hah.
  8. Finally we had to sing the bride's favourite song along with headbands made of flowers, hula hoops. YY had to put on a cute set of bunny ears for this. Laughter ensues.

And then we were in the house! =) It was a pretty tiring morning cos some of us brothers spent the night at YY's new place where we were supposed to discuss about the plans for the next day but ended up playing PES 2009 on PS3 instead. Well done, Sony! And we all pretty much had a couple hours' of sleep. Hopefully I can get some pics from YY for this post. If not, I'll just upload some photos I managed to take that day. =)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Much Ado about Nothing!

Just went for a play with Lily and her friends for a play at Fort Canning Park. First time for me going to an open-air play. The few times I went for a play are always at Esplanade or some theatre actually. You actually bring a mat, some wine and cheese and enjoy the show. We also da-bao Long John Silver as well. Hahahaha....

It's about the Shakespeare story and stars Adrian Pang and many other actors and actresses from SRT (Singapore Repertory Theatre) and I have to say it's not bad. Took some pictures at Fort Canning and will post them up soon.
People all on mats and getting ready for the play..
Lily's shoes
Sky with pinkish hue..
Lily, Jacob and Anthony
Meanwhile, trying to enjoy what's left of my weekend!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Angels and Demons

The much anticipated film is finally here and I've watched it! I actually enjoyed this novel better than The Da Vinci Code and the same goes for the movie as well. Partly because Robert Langdon sports a better hairstyle now and he doesn't go too much into explaining every single thing in the show in detail unlike the first movie!
Overall, it's a roller coaster ride from start to end and keeps people on the edge of their seats! To those who have read the novel, you can pretty guess what's coming up next so I got to give it to the director who had to change the story a bit to make it more appealing to Dan Brown Fans, both new and old.
Catch it if you can!

Sunday, May 03, 2009


Thanks to my bank's rec club, i got a pair of free tickets to watch Wolverine at GV Max last Friday with Princess. We had lunch at Superdog (my first time!) and the burger (not really a fan of hotdogs) was not bad. The beef chilli cheese fries couldn't match up to Carl's Jrs, but was still decent.

Met some of my colleagues outside the cinema and exchanged greetings before heading for the cinema proper. Overall, the show's not bad but story's warped as with all franchise movies. But it's a good show if you're getting to know Wolvie for the first time. =) Hugh Jackman's great for the role with the gruff, stubborn demeanor that fans all come to love about Wolvie.
Lazy weekend again for me, typically just staying at home although we went out once with YY on Friday for some good L4D. ;)

I believe weekends can be great for going out and catching up with friends but there are those times when you really want to have a good rest at home if you had a rough week before and know another one's just round the corner...

That's all for now. I guess i usually just update my blog like once a week these days not like the usual daily feeds...