Saturday, October 07, 2006


One common question asked by interviewers recently during my interviews woudl be "What do you look for in a job?"

My answer would be: I love meeting people everyday!

But why? Whenever I meet different people, I get to learn good points from them, especially those in which I'm seriously lacking.. They're all like mirrors of my soul to me in a sense.

Qualities include having a great personality, humourous, being a gentleman, optimistic, patient.. the list goes on and on. And often through new people that I meet, I learn about my many flaws which does affect my relationship with people around me. I still feel that I do lack certain qualities that are needed to maintain good relationships with people...

So next time, when you do chat with me, my friend, remember that there's something about you that I admire and learn from you each and every single day...

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