Sunday, March 15, 2009

Movies, movies, movies...

It's no secret that I'm a movie fan. Even my colleague who sits behind me asks me about the movie I'm going to catch each weekend. Ha~
I caught Push last week but only managed to blog about it today. It piqued my interest as it was about normal people with extraordinary abilities. It revolves around this guy who is a "Mover" who can move things with his mind or with gestures, something like telekinesis and he's supposed to save this girl from some corporation called Division. Turns out that Division is the one that injects people with these special powers and trains them as agents and the girl also has a special ability. She's called a "Pusher" who can manipulate people by feeding thoughts into their minds. Kinda scary as the show shows how people can be manipulated... There are also other types of special people in the show as well, like Bleeders (supersonic scream), Watchers (see the future), Sniffers (track people with smell from their belongings), Shadow (prevents people from being sniffed and watched to a certain extent) and many more. It's not bad as a show overall.

Supposed to meet Trina for a show but she had a gathering with her colleagues on Friday. Haven't seen her for a while and I really missed her a lot.. Crazy enough, Law, GY and I caught 2 movies last night. Dragonball evolution and Watchmen. The former, a total waste of money and the latter, the real deal!
I shall keep my review of Dragonball Evolution to the minimal. Basically, rapidly moving storyline, trying to compress the whole story into a 1h45m show is pretty bad, and Goku shouldn't be a Caucasian. Coupled with bad CG, bad jokes and normal fighting scenes spells out DISASTER.
Now sparing you the agony, let's move on to Watchmen. Wanted to catch this show ever since I saw the trailer, not that I read the comic before but the trailer just looks damn good and it touches not on the superheroes but about human nature. It also shows that superheroes aren't really that powerful as they struggle with their own personal lives.... Now i'm so game for the comic!

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