Monday, May 28, 2007


Just went to catch Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End with Law just now~ And despite bad reviews from friends and newspapers, I still think it's great. Johnny Depp simply shines once again as Captain Jack Sparrow. Wouldn't be able to imagine someone else taking over in his place. It would be like so "un-Jack-Sparrrow"! Haha!

Great cinematography and jokes, but i was a little confused with the numerous deals and pacts that went on with different people in the show but it wasn't all that bad. For those who are going to catch the show soon, stay till the VERY end! Wins waited for like 15 mins but i think the credits ended slightly longer than that. Not much but it wraps up nicely. There could be a part 4 i think, contrary to what some of my friends feel... =)

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