Thursday, May 17, 2007


Caught this with Ashlyn, Weihao and Huishan on Wednesday. Gotta say this show's worth the full 7 bucks I paid for. It's sexy and funny without making it overboard. Audrey Tautou is at her best, playing Irene, a gold-digging hooker but the real star I felt was Gad Elmaleh as Jean, a lovestruck waiter who falls hopelessly in love with Irene.

Catch it before its run ends!

I also caught 28 weeks later too on Sunday with the boys. Din really enjoy the first show "28 Days Later" but the sequel is pretty decent. Us forces re occupy Britain after the deadly Rage virus is wiped out and refugees stay in containment areas and u guessed it... the virus breaks out and all hell turns loose. Kinda reminds me of what US is doing in Iraq right now. occupying it and making it a "safe" place for the Iraqis to live in... Not too bad though. The scary scenes are that scary so they're pretty safe for ppl who are generally afraid of horror movies. =)

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