Friday, September 08, 2006

First day of work at IRAS

Hmm.. I reached IRAS pretty early, 15 mins way before time and hung around the meeting place the HR lady mentioned to me over the phone, which I realised later that there were also other ppl hanging around as well! I was thinking, "Wah, so many ppl get temp job ah..."

Only during the orientation session, that i found out that there were 15 of us in all, joining the same dept and most of them were from polys, getting a vacation job. Only me and another guy (who happened to be my friend's bf! Din know him before that!) were the only uni grads.

Thus both of us were labelled as "big brothers" in our little cohort. Haha! So today was training about filing of tax return and stuff.. And heard that training is going to last for about 2-3 more days.. Imagine a lecture from 8.30-5 with 1 hr break in between. But the instructor was nice enough to make the lesson less boring, so not too bad :) I can't say what I've learnt exactly if yes, then I have to kill you... seriously...

After the course, I met up with Jacelin for dinner in town and we had Sakae Sushi followed by some shopping.

A sample of our feast!

Me and Jac at Sakae Sushi!

Jac had some problems sending MMS with her hp, so we hopped on down to Hello! Shop at Taka to check it. Ended taking photos like this to try to send MMS to each other. Duh...

After which we had mudpie at Big O for some dessert! Yummy! The mudpie was called O.. I ate it again! Marshmallow sandwiched by strawberry icecream (top layer) and mango ice cream (bottom layer) with an Oreo crust! Heavenly, i tell you!

Mudpie went from this...

to this in seconds!

Jac and I spent some time taking photos of our mudpie before we decided to tuck in. Think the other patrons there thought we might be nuts. Haha!

Sometimes it's nice to meet someone for dinner and just chat. Edgar Allan Poe said before that "eating with someone is like sharing your soul". That's quite true for me. I dun mind group dinners but it's difficult to talk to everybody over the table, you just chat with those beside you instead... It all depends on the company yah?

It's been a long day and tml's YCK session again! Can't wait to see everybody, trainees and volunteers alike! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow got to try that mudpie..!