Sunday, January 20, 2008


It's been a great weekend for me so far! Managed to clean up the mess in my room in time for CNY thanks to my mom. ;) and met YCK ppl for dinner at ol' AMK S11 and KTV later at Chinatown. After that went to catch the much-anticipated Cloverfield with who else but Law and GY!

Show's great, i love such shows where they dun reveal too much about the story
and let you watch it for yourself.

***WARNING Minor spoiler below***
***Highlight the text below to see the words if you want***

I like the part when the 2 friends lament about what they said and should have said to their loved ones before they died. Made me treasure my friends and family around even more. Also the film was made in a good way that it was all from a video camera. The tape in it was supposedly recorded over a previous video made by the lead guy, when he was on a sweet date with his girl. :) But the ending was a bit... anti climax, but expected from J.J Abrams of course...

Now talking about being enlightened... Invited by my colleague, LT to her church service at Suntec City. was apprenhensive about attending a church cos of previous bad experiences but she assured me that nothing of that sort would happen. So there I was at 11am this morning and attended my first chruch service of 2008. All went well, there was the singing of hymns (with a twist, new age + rock), holy communion (i got cracker and ribena) and bible lessons as well. The service did me some good as I could relate part of it to my own situation actually. Felt slightly better and motivated after that.

Had lunch with LT, her hubby and her hubby's brother as well at Crystal Jade and got a free treat from her brother-in-law. Thanks! After that, I took a slow walk to Sim Lim Square from Suntec (contrary to popular belief, it's not that far as you might think, about 20 mins walk?)

Bought 2 X 4GB mem sticks for Simon and was contemplating a PSP clear cover for myself but not sure what to get... Going to consult Law for that..

Later met the guys for dinner and LAN (Battlefield 2 rox!) and bought Unicorn Gundam from James as well. =) My first MG Gundam!

Happy weekend for me so far. How about yours?


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